Stephen Ballinger
Stephen is the person behind the Ballinger’s name and reputation. He established the business in 2000, after 14 years of experience in banking, actuarial firms, superannuation, tax, accounting, and financial planning.
During that time, Steve has built a team of caring professionals who clients have come to know and love for their genuine, personal approach and expertise. Steve’s focus is on supporting our advisers with his experience to ensure that we continue to deliver great outcomes for our clients.
Steve’s driving passion is to help people find peace around their finances. Seeing strategies play out and objectives achieved over periods of 20-30 years is very fulfilling.
Over time we develop deep relationships with our clients, and we recognise that the role we play in our clients' lives is a great privilege based on complete integrity and trust. This typically extends way beyond just money.
Steve holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Newcastle, and a Diploma in Financial Planning. He is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and has been a licensed adviser since 1994.
Outside of work, Steve enjoys life coaching, cycling, open water swimming and meditating.
Director & Senior Adviser